Profile Of

Mrs. Elsie Bunyan

Mrs. Elsie Bunyan is a Chartered Accountant with over twenty-five years of working experience in Audit, Finance Procurement, and Management.

She holds an EMBA degree from the University of Ghana Business School, Legon, and is currently the Regional Administrator of the Accra North Region, of the International Central Gospel Church.

Prior to her appointment as the Regional Administrator, Mrs. Bunyan worked as the Director of Audit at Ghana Export Development and Agriculture Investment Fund, Millennium Development Authority, and ActionAid Ghana. She also worked at the Danida Project of the Community Water and Sanitation Agency and Coopers & Lybrand (now PWC).

Aside working in corporate spaces, Elsie has and continues to serve on boards of various professional bodies and other Institutions that align with her personal values and mission in life and empower women.
She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Ghana, the Institute of Directors, and the Institute of Internal Auditors Ghana.